Here's a tool you can use to test font sizes and typefaces to get the perfect font pairings and sizing.
You can set and test font sizes
You can override the calculated sizes by entering them here manually.
You can load Google fonts here by copy pasting the code from the @import setting after you've chosen your font choices.
The fonts you've entered will show as options below.
Add extra CSS as needed to test. (no brackets, just lines of CSS with ;
To test how some text looks in your font of choice, the headings and paragraphs can be clicked on an edited directly.
Cupcake ipsum dolor sit amet cupcake soufflé pudding. Dessert dessert caramels oat cake tootsie roll candy canes danish liquorice apple pie. Gummi bears soufflé caramels bear claw caramels gummies cheesecake.
Croissant shortbread sweet donut croissant jelly lollipop. Muffin dessert muffin fruitcake donut carrot cake fruitcake pudding. Powder jujubes chupa chups halvah candy cookie tootsie roll cheesecake gummi bears.
Gummi bears jelly beans lollipop sugar plum powder. Shortbread candy canes chocolate bar cotton candy jelly. Cheesecake muffin jujubes cookie lemon drops.
Cheesecake ice cream marzipan apple pie fruitcake. Carrot cake liquorice gingerbread tiramisu carrot cake dessert icing pastry muffin. Marshmallow marzipan marshmallow soufflé shortbread chocolate donut pie candy. Lollipop toffee chupa chups cake marshmallow soufflé.
Jelly-o powder jelly beans candy canes dragée ice cream muffin sweet roll. Bonbon tart jelly beans marzipan chocolate bar sweet chocolate bar. Cupcake gummies dragée brownie apple pie soufflé powder.
Sweet roll jelly powder chupa chups chocolate. Soufflé bonbon bonbon tootsie roll brownie. Lemon drops pastry bonbon cake cake icing cookie oat cake sugar plum.