
How to make client-safe WP websites

Original price was: $77.00.Current price is: $38.83.



We all know many clients ruin websites due to content changes. When that happens we’re all very sad. Not only are they losing the look and feel they paid for, they’re also most likely ending up with worse UI/UX and design. I’m going to walk you through some simple tips on how to make your website client-safe.

The Concept

There are a few things that you will probably have to adjust in order to achieve a good client-safe website.

The most important thing is to protect your design and how it works. However, you have to allow the client access to edit the content*. Which is why I put this course together.

There are many things you can implement on the site that will help you protect your beautiful work, and this course guides you in doing that. Along with a lot of helpful tips and advice that should help. And the best part is that it’s CODE-FREE.

That’s right, in this course, I’ve made extra effort in making everything available without code. Of course, there are extra options, but everything in the course can be achieved without learning or using code. (I know, it’s not normally my style, but for this, I figured it could help)


Mega Preview

You can actually get a long form preview of the content in the course from a tutorial post on this site. The video was made for the Designer Boss Summit of May 2023, and this course was part of the Designer Boss Bundle.

Watch the full video tutorial here

This course is now ALSO part of the Full Breakdance Agency Bundle because delivering client safe websites is really important for agencies, and this course uses some Breakdance features near the end. Check the curriculum below to see which ones use Breakdance (marked BD).

If you need the breakdance builder use this link to go get it.


The Curriculum

CH 01. Introduction

  • L01 – What is a “client-safe” website?
  • L02 – The concept, tools, and links

CH 02. Accounts

  • L01 – Using Builder Roles
  • L02 – Extra Settings

CH 03. Custom Admin

  • L01 – Making a Custom Admin Interface
  • L02 – Adding Your Own Customizations

CH 04. Gutenberg

  • L01 – Making Your Own Blocks (The Easy Way)
  • L02 – Gutenberg Addons

CH 05. ACF

  • L01 – Introduction to ACF
  • L02 – Post Templates
  • L03 – Page Content
  • L04 – Repeater Fields (BD + Pro)
  • L05 – Global Site Settings (BD + Pro)
  • L06 – Some more possibilities (BD)


* note: Clients should have FULL access to their site after they pay the balance and the site is deployed, and if you disagree, I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. Client paid for it, it’s theirs. You can still make it safe for clients to edit content, and maintain its pristine form, and that’s what this course explains.


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